Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday To Jesus

Merry Christmas Jesus

I know that the reason for Christmas comes from God the Father, who sent His Only Son, Jesus, the Christ, as a human Child, to live with us here on Earth for a while. So, Blessed Father, for this most excellent and selected Gift, I praise Your Holy Name above all other names, for it is the only Name that can forgive us our sins and that brings us Jesus, the One, True Savior of our souls. I believe that I should live my life as if it’s a gift that I’ve given to You. All my years are my Christmas present to You. By obeying Your sweet and Powerful Word, I’ll live my life in thankful gratitude for the Greatest Gift anyone has ever given to me. You are the Tenderest, most Satisfying and only All Powerful Being to have ever existed. And, I love You with all my heart.

I give to You great thanks Jesus, as Your love is undying and eternal. You’ve so willingly planted the seed of intimate fellowship in my heart when I first believed in Your Saving Grace. You are the most credible and Living Gift ever given in all of man’s sad and tormented history on earth. You promise to all of us that know You in our hearts, that You’ll always be with us, in the here and now and in the times to come. I believe in Your Words, when You tenderly stated that You'll never leave me nor forsake me and that You’ll never abandon me. Happy Birthday to You, my sweet and deserving Jesus; for all that You have done for me. On Your Birthday I pray that all magnificence, dignity and grandness would be showered upon You, throughout the whole world. Therefore I Pray that more and more people will lay down their weapons and come to celebrate You with me, today.

Blessed be our joy as we all draw together near the Christ Tree. We sincerely have so many things to celebrate and so much to be thankful for. I know that in Heaven the angles make merry over spiritual victories they see on earth. Someday, we will all get together as Gods' children, we’ll all observe a great banquet as we mark that one, last final victory, where we will be honoring all the work that God has done for us in Jesus, at that Great Feast of the Lamb. We'll give back everything to our Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus. You have lived the love of God the Father before our eyes, it has touched the world, and our reigns in our hearts, we’ll give you everything, even the very crowns off our heads. For truly, You deserve to be so honored. You gave us your very blood and life and filled us with spiritual gifts and brought us to live with you in the Kingdom of God. We’ll worship at Your feet, we’ll Praise You, and our joy will be full.

Glory to God in the highest! Praise the Blessed Son! And listen to the Holy Spirit as He leads us ever onward, ever upward, thinking on Heavenly things. Today, we worship You here as we will one day do in Heaven. Never again to be divided by space or time, the children of God, living eternally with the Living Lord. All blessings and praise be given to You. Today and forevermore. Today sleigh bells ring out and so do our voices, oh, Lord we want to bring more souls to You. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. Maybe today we can be kinder to one another and perhaps share with the lost, lonely and hurting. God’s Living Gift is still being freely given today.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas to one and all and a Happy Birthday to the One and Only Savior of all Mankind. Today may we check out the thoroughfares and look in the highways, taking the Love of God with us and lovingly give it to all those we might encounter as we travel. Christmas should be a joyous time, a special day when sometimes even our dreams come true. In Heaven I hope God will hear our glad songs and Christmas carols and hear the most silent, secret and deepest prayers of our hearts. Christmas is a day of worship, may He know that we are thankful for all that He has given us.

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